MIP Fund Accounting keeps a comprehensive log of all transactions processed, activities performed, and system changes.

Let’s take a look at how to access all of this important information using the Audit Trail features, including the Advanced Organization Audit functionality.

System and Organization Audit Trails
A thorough and reliable audit trail at the system level ensures that compliance and credibility are priorities across the organization by tracking and logging all changes to your MIP Fund Accounting database.

To view the System History, launch the Administration Module and then Security > Manage Audit Trails > System Audit.  This history provides information about additions, edits or modifications, and deletions, as well as who has accessed the system and at what time.

Whether during an audit or as best practices for internal controls, it is important to identify and analyze changes at the organization level.  To view the Organization History, launch the Administration Module and then Security > Manage Audit Trails > Summary Organization Audit.  This history provides information about additions, modifications or edits, and deletions of maintenance items on the Accounting menu and organization items on the Administration menu.

Advanced Organization Audit
During an audit, having the ability to pinpoint errors or suspicious activity is essential…and that’s where Advanced Organization Audit functionality comes in.  It allows you to monitor and track additions, deletions, and modifications to key records throughout the system including vendors, employees, and customers – areas where potential fraudulent activity is a concern.  Most importantly, it provides detailed information regarding fields that were changed, including what the previous values were and what the new values are.

The Advanced Organization Audit functionality is included with the Advanced Security Module for MIP Fund Accounting.

Transaction Audit Trail
Of course when it’s necessary to examine detailed accounting records, MIP Fund Accounting provides a transaction level audit trail recorded by user and includes important details like Session Number, Transaction Source, Document Number, Effective Dates, Check Numbers, and more.  This data can be accessed (with appropriate security rights) and reviewed using a number of standard reports built into MIP Fund Accounting.  Please be sure to contact us if you need guidance.